About Faith, blessings, stubbornness and being an inspiration.

Well aren’t y’all lucky, two blog posts in one day. LOL

I have friends, family, even near strangers tell me often I am an inspiration. Let me tell you, that can be a humbling thing. See, the things that I did and do to put myself so far along on my road to recovery are the same things I have always done.

I am the same man today that I was before that fateful nite of September twenty-ninth, 2010 when I arrived in the ER.

You see, I am stubborn, hard headed, and have a need to do things my way. I truly believe that that is a blessing God put on my soul even before I was put on His earth. But, as with any blessing, it can be twisted. That stubbornness of mine has lost me promotions, gotten me demoted and lost me relationships.

But, now, that same blessing of stubbornness has pushed me to live my life and get back on my feet. Well, whenever my feet get here. While in the coma, when I was literally on a death bed, the doctors kept telling my parents they were amazed, I was a fighter, and that was why I was still alive when I shouldn’t have been. Stubborn I am, what else can I say?

So, if my stubbornness to live is an inspiration to you, then I am glad. That is nothing more than a blessing to you from the Lord. Not from me or by me. I am just a hard headed fool.

I know people in my life that are true inspirations to me. I have some very good friends that have always inspired me. I have watched them raise a daughter into a respectful and intelligent young woman, build a business and maintain a long and loving relationship…… All while fighting a debilitating disease that affected one of them.

That is inspirational to me, and through them, from God, that is a blessing. Over the years other blessings have been sent through them to me. They were there for me during a divorce. When I have times of financial trouble, on more than one occasion, they have helped me. I don’t think they even realized how much of a help they were.

Just when I needed help the most, I might get a call from him, asking if I could do some computer work, and offering to pay. Or, I had opportunities to return blessings by throwing business his way, and got paid commission, even when I tried to refuse it. See, those were all moments of blessings to me in time of need, and they had no idea.

Through all those times, even though they are deeply religious, and strong in their faith, never once did they push God, faith, bible or scripture on me. I think maybe the realize even though I might have the occasion of foul mouth, can be a tad bit randy, and don’t often discuss faith, they know I have it. The road I walk with God is a different road than theirs, but both our roads are headed to the same place.

My faith and belief is simple. Be a good man like I was raised to be, be a good father, be as kind as I can to others, and known we have a God and Father that loves us. I also believe that like any good parent, our Father in Heaven is going to nudge us in the right direction, but is also going to let us make our own mistakes and learn from them.

Conversely, I don’t believe that everything we call or see as blessings are actually blessings from God. I truly believe God let’s us do our own thing and doesn’t often interfere. If planes crash into towers, it’s not because He let it happen, it just happened. Do I think He grieved over that evil? Yea, I do. I will speak more about evil in a minute. If someone wins the lottery, is it a blessing and a miracle? No… Probably not. God loves us, but just doesn’t often interfere. That is my belief.

Now to evil. I truly believe that there is an active evil on this earth. If you believe in God, you, by default, must believe in the devil. Call it by whatever name, as there are many in the bible (and I will get to the bible later) to chose from. The serpent, devil, lucifer…..whatever. If you are a “Christian” than you must believe. Don’t get me wrong, I am no supporter, I try to be constantly on guard against it. Honestly, there are people out there that have no faith in God, but abhor evil. By Christian standards that is almost oxymoronic. But it is true.

Now to the bible. As a said earlier, my friend never pushed at me with the bible or scripture, unless I brought it up. I have had so many people email me, tell me on the phone, message me and facebook me with scripture, telling me those words will get me through my tough times. For me, they don’t. The thing that will get me through God already gave me. My stubborn determination.

Why does scripture not help me? Well, he must have never read it! Oh trust me, I was raised catholic, and still retain many of those core values. When I do read the bible it is the catholic edition, and it has a few more books in it than the KJV, if I remember correctly. Most of the books of the new testament were written only as early as sixty years after the death of Jesus Christ. The bible itself was compiled around three hundred years after His death, and that group was led by a politician who wasn’t even yet converted to christian faith.

Now, I know, I have heard this to many times before, those men were inspired by God, right? If that is your belief, that is ok, but as I wrote earlier, God let’s us do as we will, and that is my belief. There were books written by women, but not included. Why? The men of that time had little respect in the traditional sense for them. Why would the book of Mary not have been included, when she was nearly as much an apostle as the men?She did write one, by the way, google it, the surviving text has been translated and is free to download. I have, and i have read it.

Regardless, the bible we know today is still not that one compiled seventeen hundred years ago. Revisions by the early catholic church and then the whole thing that brought the KJV into existence are just a few examples. Also, think about this. The bible translations were originally done by monks. Many barely literate, sitting in cramped quarters translating by tallow wick candles. I’m not talking about two hundred years ago monks. Were talking a thousand year ago monks!

Here is an example I that comes to mind. I wish I had the ability to draw in my blog, it would make things so much easier!

It is hard for a rich man to get to heaven. I say again, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than to enter the Kingdom of Heaven….

We have all heard this, right? Camel through the eye of the needle. Reference to the name of a gate? No. While the spade shaped gates were made to just barely let camel and rider into a city, and not anyone else slipping by unseen on the other side of the camel, like a thief or criminal, or whatever. But there is no gate by that name in Jerusalem.

Now, think back to this, monks and tallow candle doing translations, and bear with me. The symbol for camel and the symbol for rope in the original scrolls is so similar that it oft times can make one mistaken for the other. So for instance:

Camel = “Ieeeeeieee”
Rope. = “leeeeieee”

See what I mean? Now it is easier for rope to go through the eye of a sewing needle than for a rich man to get to heaven.

Monk translations, by candle light, of scrolls hundreds of years old already.

Anyway, I am getting off point, here, and I apologize. The point is, scripture that brings you peace and gets you through just does not work for me. It doesn’t mean I don’t ever read the bible, it just means that I read when I feel like I need to, or am called to, if you like that wording better.

God gave me courage, strength, family and friends to get me through, as well as a watchful guard against evil.

Now having gone way off target from where I expected this blog to go, :), please let me say this. I am glad that I inspire some of you, I am humble and honored. I hope I haven’t offended anyone with my soap box ramblings. And I certainly hope I won’t have an inbox full of people telling me I am wrong.

Remember, this is my road to walk, and I will walk it my stubborn and determined way, so please respect that. I mean really, I have to walk it on prosthetic legs, give me some latitude here…LOL

With respect,
